Anxiety Counselling

Are you wondering whether you might be experiencing some of the common struggles associated with Anxiety? Let's take a closer look:

Persistent Worry: Do you find yourself worrying excessively about various aspects of your life, even when there's no apparent reason for concern
Physical Symptoms: Have you noticed physical symptoms like muscle tension, restlessness, fatigue, or difficulty sleeping that seem linked to your anxious thoughts?
Concentration Difficulties: Is it challenging to focus on tasks or make decisions because your mind is preoccupied with worrying thoughts?
Avoidance Behaviors: Do you tend to avoid certain situations or activities because they trigger anxiety, limiting your experiences?
Perfectionism: Do you often set high standards for yourself and struggle with self-criticism, fearing making mistakes or being judged by others?
Health Concerns: Have you become overly concerned about your health, perhaps seeking medical reassurance frequently?
Social and Relationship Challenges: Has your anxiety affected your relationships or made social interactions more difficult?
Sleep Disturbances: Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts and anxiety?
Procrastination: Are you finding it difficult to initiate tasks or make decisions, leading to increased stress?
Self-esteem Impact: Has your self-esteem suffered because of persistent worry and self-doubt?
Emotional Distress: Do you often experience feelings of fear, dread, or a sense of impending doom?
Interference with Enjoyment: Are you having trouble enjoying leisure activities or relaxing due to constant worrying?

Do you identify with several of these challenges and they are interfering with your daily life? 

Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorders and Post- traumatic Stress Disorder can change.

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My Approach to Anxiety Counselling

In anxiety counseling sessions, we embark on a journey together to address and alleviate your anxiety. My approach involves exploring your unique life story, drawing connections between past, present, and future experiences, and uncovering fresh insights to facilitate the healing process. Throughout our sessions, I integrate mindfulness and emotional awareness practices. In addition, I leverage evidence-based therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Brainspotting with an attachment based Body Mind Therapy. This comprehensive approach equips you with effective tools to manage and overcome anxiety. My anxiety counseling services are designed to provide you with holistic support and empowerment on your path to healing and well-being.

Start today with a Free 20 min. Consultation!

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Everyone Experiences Fear and Anxiety Sometimes

It may feel like you're the only one battling overwhelming worries, but rest assured, you're not alone! Anxiety disorders are, in fact, the most common mental health challenges people face today.

Given the pressures of modern life, it's no surprise that anxiety is so prevalent. Whether it's balancing demands at work or school, managing a long list of household responsibilities, or simply trying to keep a brave face during tough times, it's easy to see why so many people are struggling with anxiety.

Adding to this, many of us spend hours each day on social media, comparing our lives to meticulously curated images and videos. And as if that’s not enough, the nonstop news cycle keeps us in a constant state of alertness, bombarding us with updates about the latest global crisis.

Anxiety Can Trap Us in a Cycle of Fear

Instead of seeking help, we often believe that living in a state of panic is our only option. We might shy away from therapy due to the stigma surrounding mental health or because we think our symptoms aren’t "severe" enough to warrant professional care.

Some of us might even feel "weak" for not being able to manage anxiety on our own.

But you don't have to go through this alone! Therapy for anxiety can provide tailored support that meets your individual needs. With the right therapist, you can learn tools and techniques to manage your symptoms and ultimately overcome your anxiety.